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A man and his wife were pulled over by a policeman for speeding. The policeman asked the man why he was speeding and the man said, that he was not speeding. His wife then told the police man that her husband was indeed speeding. The husband then told her to shut up. The policeman then asked the wife if her husband always talked to her that way and she said, Only when he is drunk.





There were three men walking in the desert near dehydration when they came upon a slide with a man at the top. The man soon said as you go down this magic slide say your favorite drink and you will land in it. So the fist guy said Gatorade and he landed in a huge glass of Gatorade. So the next guy goes down and yells water and he lands in a huge glass of water. So finally it is the third guy turn and he goes down and yells Weeeeeeee

Three nuns have sinned and need to be forgiven so they all go to the head nun and ask her to forgive them. The head nun asks the first nun “ What is your sin well said the nun I stole candy from a baby so the head nun says ok go drink from the fountain of forgiveness and you will be forgiven, So the first nun did. Then the second nun came and the head nun said to her, What is your sin so the nun said I shot someone so then the head nun said ok go drink from the fountain of forgiveness and you will be forgiven so she did. Then the third nun was at the time for herself to be forgiven so the head nun said What is your sin so the nun said I peed in the fountain of forgiveness!